Thursday, August 20, 2015

Spinning Starlight

*Received from Disney Hyperion through Netgalley for an honest review. Thank you!

   **You don't need to read Stitching Snow to understand Spinning Starlight, however, I urge you to definitely read both. 

Liddi and her eight brothers are always in the spotlight. Each one is beyond smart and are part of the very famous Jantzen family. It's not a perfect life, but Liddi knows she's pretty lucky to have brothers that love her... that is until they all seem to disappear and men in black suits come to take her away. Now, she is forced into a situation where to save her brothers, she must forfeit the use of her own voice and rely on a boy she knows very little about to discover that nothing is ever as it appears.

First and foremost, I must applaud the author for using a tale that is not mainstream. I love the tale of The Wild Swans by Andersen and was so happy to see someone adapt it to a sci fi story. Liddi was perfect in her role as the savior. She was quick witted, high spirited, and slowly found her own as the heroine her bothers always thought she could be. Tiav made a wonderful romantic interest and I loved his devotion to Liddi even though she couldn't speak. 

The atmosphere reminded me so much of the first novel and I am happy that Lewis always does a wonderful job of describing the surrounding as well as the different races. Details like that suck the reader deep inside the story and you forget you are sitting on the couch or wherever you might be reading. 

I loved Stitching Snow and was enthralled with Spinning Starlight and its characters. My hope is there are more to the series and that Snow and Liddi will return in another novel. Definitely for those with a love of fairy tales and those who love a good romp through space.  

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