Thursday, July 17, 2014

Perspective: When Life Hands You Lemons...

"In everything give thanks unto God..." 1Thess 5:18a

Imagine yourself in line at your local store or waiting for church to start, and someone ahead of you begins to complain. Maybe it's the weather, too hot or too cold... It could be the slowness of the clerk or the way the preacher's wife is dressed. You try to ignore them, hum some random tune to drowned out their comments, and suddenly, without any thought otherwise, you find yourself dipping into a bad mood. You realize the clerk is a little slow and how is it the preacher's wife can wear that shamble in public. I am here to tell you you are not alone.

Perspective just like attitude is contagious if given root. The mob mentality or my personal favorite 'misery complex' tends to spread like wild fire when we forget to renew our minds and look at what God has done in our own lives. We get jealous or envious of those around us, we lose our patience with normal every day people, and most important, we slap God with a 'what about me' guilt trip.

We complain about everything from the weather (summer is hot, winter is cold... without them, the world would cease to do its job), our jobs (if you don't like it, ask God for another), and our lives (only you can change). Things like the roof over our heads, the food we eat, and the air we breathe become something we deserve, and not something to be thankful for. We wake and instead of reminding God we are grateful for another day, we complain about the job we have to go to or the pain in our back because we slept wrong on it. Old age, bills, kids... the list is endless and for a moment, I wonder just what God thinks of all our complaining.

Paul said 'We should give thanks unto God in everything and moreover, Rejoice in the Lord Always.' (Phil.4:4). To REJOICE... is literally to give joy in it again. To celebrate in, be happy... ALWAYS... a mate of forever, or for those looking for simple, in all ways, the good and the bad... the happy and sad. We are to always thank God for HE has done mighty things.

As I said before, most reading this have a roof over their head, a computer or device to read this, food on the table, a car or even two, clothes on your back, and all of you, I know have air to breathe. I thank God for my loved ones and my church. No, life is not perfect and trials, bad timing, and slow clerks will always be, but it's not them that need to change, but our perspective.

Before I end, let me remind you of one more thing to truly be thankful for.... Jesus. Without him dying on the cross for our sins, we would still be separated from God. I mean you could die in his place, the same way he did, but that act would not solidify our redemption. No, that took Jesus. If not for Him and his obedience, sacrifice, and love, we'd be bound for Hell, hand basket optional. Thank you God for your Son and for EVERYTHING you have made.


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